EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) addresses the psychological & physical symptoms stemming from adverse life experiences. EMDR is not just for trauma; it is also used for performance enhancement & other symptoms.

Traumatic experiences are so scary & stressful that they overwhelm the brain & body of the survivor(s). This overwhelm prevents traumatic memories from being stored in the same way regular memories are stored - leading to fragmented memories/experiences. This fragmentation causes the sense of disorganized memories & details - leading to maladaptive responses, distressing symptoms, feelings of hopelessness, & more when associations to these traumatic experiences are triggered consciously & subconsciously. EMDR, an evidenced based approach, utilizes a variety of bilateral stimulation (BLS) techniques to calm your nervous system while reprocessing distressing material & develop more adaptive beliefs & responses. Together through the use of EMDR, you & your HSTH therapist will create new neural pathways, enhance positively stored experiences, & reprocess traumatic experiences/distressing events. By doing so, new associations with memories are created, negative symptoms are relieved, severity of triggers decrease, & new adaptive behaviors are established. Unlike other therapy modalities, EMDR does not require you to talk in detail about the distressing experiences & relief, depending on the trauma type, can be seen in fewer therapy sessions compared to other modalities.

Resources to learn about EMDR:

Adjunctive EMDR:

With Adjunctive EMDR therapy, you can continue to receive treatment from your primary talk therapist while receiving specialized EMDR services by an EMDR trained HSTH clinician. We can utilize a variety of EMDR evidenced based protocols to treat your unique needs. The protocol used will be based on your specific goals, your specific nervous system, & clinical staffings with your ongoing therapist. Types of adjunctive treatment HSTH can provide are listed below:

  • Group EMDR

    This can be done with…

    • survivors of the same exact traumatic or stressful experience (i.e. friends, colleagues, co-workers, partners, family members, or any group of individuals)

    • survivors who survived different traumatic or stressful experiences, but the traumas are similar in nature & the participants share similar symptoms

    All participants of HSTH Group EMDR will receive a free consultation & pre-screening to ensure the service would be best for them. During the group participants will work together, but individually through the 8 phases of EMDR in a safely contained setting with the oversight of a lead therapist & co-facilitator(s). No one will or will be asked to share their traumatic experiences during the group. Participants will only be invited, but never forced, to share good memories & positive thoughts/experiences. Group EMDR can be done in one 2.5 hour long session or over the course of multiple sessions. It can take place in-person or over telemental health.

    • Why aren’t participants asked to share their traumatic experiences & symptoms within the EMDR group setting?

      Group EMDR is not the traditional support group most people think of when thinking about group therapy. This is a trauma group that allows a group of participants to reprocess a traumatic or stressful experience individually using EMDR, while still receiving mutual support, safe connection, containment & other researched benefits of being in a group therapy setting. This group rule is not meant to shame, but rather to help the facilitators protect the experiences & possible triggers of all group members. Personal sharing of traumatic content is best saved for individual EMDR sessions - where you & your individual therapist can dive deeper more openly & with less restriction.

  • EMDR Intensives

Intensives are longer EMDR sessions that can be scheduled for 2-5+ hours with breaks as needed. It provides clients with a longer reprocessing time, which allows them to reprocess more content in one sitting. It can also be helpful for clients who’d like more comfort, relaxation, & assistance “dropping in” than a typical 45-60 min session can provide before diving into their past trauma/distressing memories. Learn more about HSTH intensive services & it benefits here.